Getting the cheapest car insurance requires a great deal of online research, shopping around, and keeping a clean driving profile. Instead of buying car insurance on impulse, try the following options to lower your rates.
Shop Different Insurance Carriers
The rates for car insurance can from one carrier to another depending on several factors.
While one company may consider your profile as an average risk and charge you an average rate, another company may treat you as a preferred risk and therefore, offer you a lower rate.
In order to get a lower rate, you could either contact an independent agent or shop around online.
An agent with ample knowledge of several carriers can really help you choose the best carrier as per your preferences. This can also save you from making numerous calls to insurance call centers.
The next option is to shop around and find several quotes to choose from.
Bundle All Insurance Policies
One of the best ways to save dollars on car insurance is to bundle all insurance policies.
For example, if you are a homeowner, it’s a great way to avail multi-policy discounts by combining your home insurance and car insurance.
If you buy insurance from two separate insurance companies, it will cost you more. Being a homeowner, you can also qualify for a homeowner discount as well.
Similarly, if you have multiple drivers at home, it’s wise to purchase a multi-car policy and avail of multi-car discounts, rather than buying individual policies from different companies.
Verify All Discounts Available
Insurance carriers offer a wide range of discounts depending on your profile and eligibility. Some common types of discounts include good driver discounts, good student discounts, homeowner discounts, and paid-in-full discounts. Check with your insurance company what kind of discounts you qualify for, and whether you’re receiving those discounts. Of course, at the end of the day, it’s the final price that counts.
Keep a Clean Driving Record
A clean driving record is a huge asset when it comes to getting a lower rate from the car insurance company. If you’re safe, you will get the best rates. Therefore, it pays to pay attention to the road and drive carefully to ensure your driving record stays clean.
Keep a Great Insurance Credit Score
Insurance companies base their rates based on your insurance credit score. If your score is high, you’re very likely to get a better rate. If it’s low, the insurance premiums are going to be pretty high. Therefore, you need to take care of your insurance credit score from time to time.
Avoid Extra Fees
Many insurance companies charge a processing fee for the paperwork involved in the process of signing up a new customer. Usually, they waive such fees if you choose to pay them in full for an entitled year or offer your bank a standing instruction to pay the premiums automatically as soon as it’s due. Always try to avoid late payment fees and see if the insurance career offers can lower fees if you combine multiple policies.
Get the Right Coverage
Avail of the right coverage while buying car insurance. While you can get any coverage of your choice, each overage affects your premiums. The coverage you should go for depends largely on the current value of your car. If you’re not driving a car, let it rest in the garage. Get in touch with your insurance agent who can advise you on the coverage.