Most auto insurance companies classify an occasional driver as someone who drives the vehicle 25% of the time or less. Many companies including Allstate and Nationwide, offer low-mileage discounts to those who don’t drive frequently.
Does a Careless Driving Ticket Affect My Car Insurance?
Careless driving isn’t a criminal infraction. However, it can carry a hefty penalty and points on your license. Learn how to deal with a careless driving ticket.
How to Get the Cheapest Insurance for Teenage Drivers
When a teen is factored in, your car insurance rates could go through the roof. Let’s discuss how to get the cheapest car insurance for teens.
How to Get the Cheapest Car Insurance
Getting the cheapest car insurance requires a great deal of online research, shopping around and keeping a clean driving profile.
6 Ways to Get Discounts on Car Insurance
If you read your insurance documents carefully, you can find more ways to avail discounts and reduce your car insurance premiums.
What Is the Basic Car Insurance Coverage?
If you’re looking look for a basic car insurance policy, go for auto insurance with Personal Liability, and depending on which state you reside, PIP Coverage and Uninsured Motorist.
What is Car Insurance, and Why is It Important?
Auto insurance keeps you safe from potential financial liabilities in the event of an accident. Always keep it active.